Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Cherry Pie recipe

Another great pie recipe to try..the classic Cherry Pie recipe

  • 1 nine-inch vanilla wafer pie crust.
  • 4 cups of pitted cherries.
  • 2 cups of whipped cream.
  • 1 cup of white sugar.
  • 2 tablespoons of cold water.
  • 2 tablespoons of corn starch.
  • 4 teaspoons of lemon juice.
  • ¼ envelope of unflavored gelatin.
  • Whipped cream, to serve with.
Preparation Instructions:

In a small bowl, soften the gelatin in the cold water. Set aside.In a suitably sized saucepan, mash 2 cups (half) of the cherries with the white sugar. Next, add in cornstarch and lemon juice; stirring gently.
Cook over a medium heat, stirring until the mixture turns thick and transparent.Remove from the heat and add the gelatin and stir.Slice the other 2 cups of cherries into the crust, then pour
the mixture over top.Chill for 5-6 hours. Serve with whipped cream...hmmm..great taste of cherry pie...! Delicious !

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